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How Excessive Sun Exposure Damages Roofs and Ways to Protect Yours

When it comes to roof damage, storms and wind get all the glory, but homeowners need to protect their roofs from sun damage, too. Hail may make headlines, but your roof undergoes sun exposure nearly every day. Just as the sun and its UV rays can damage human skin, it also damages roofing materials of all types.

Investing in the best quality roofing materials, ones designed to withstand high heat and UV rays without weakening or fading, can help your roof remain healthy longer. Preventative maintenance and proper roof care can help maintain your roof’s health, too. Let’s consider what sun exposure does to roofing and how to address damaged roofing.

Fading Surface Damage to the Roof

While human skin sunburns or tans, when a roof undergoes UV exposure for an extended period, it causes fading of the roofing material. This fading occurs most noticeably on asphalt shingles and architectural shingles. Essentially, the sun bleaches the roof a lighter color. This effect proves more noticeable on darker roof shingles. Replacing the faded shingles offers the only repair option.

Roof Wrinkles

Just as human skin develops wrinkles when exposed to sunlight over time, roofs do the same. Roofing material contains a coating that protects it from the elements. Extended exposure to UV rays erodes this coating, resulting in cracking, curling, peeling, and blistering roof tiles or shingles. When this sun damage develops, it reveals the under layers of the roof, making it easier for leaks to develop.

Expansion and Contraction From Thermal Shock

Human skin loses its elasticity through the years, with sun overexposure contributing to it. Similarly, sun overexposure damages roofing materials, causing them to expand and contract when night falls. This process results in thermal shock to the roofing materials. Asphalt shingles develop jagged cracks from this process, while metal roofing panels move from it, exposing roofing seams. Ultimately, thermal shock results in roof leaks.

How Do You Spot Sun Damaged Roofing?

Walking around the perimeter of your home once per month to examine the roof helps spot damage as it develops. As soon as you note roof damage, contact a professional roofer to repair the damage. Here’s what to look for:

  • Cracked shingles
  • Curling shingles
  • Faded shingles
  • Missing or loose shingle
  • Dislodged metal sheeting
  • Roof leaks.

Sometimes, you can’t see damage from the ground, but examining the interior of your attic reveals the problems. Look for mold, discolored walls, water leaks, or bug infestations. When a roof leak develops, it affects the attic first.

Preventing Roof Sun Damage

Here’s another parallel between human skin and roofing. Just as people use sunscreen to protect their skin from the sun’s damaging rays, your roofer can add a protective coating to your home’s roof. Each roofing material has its own coating type, so the roof protection for asphalt roofing differs from that for a metal roof.

Roofing materials matter, too. Look at your home’s roof as a long-term investment. Asphalt roofs last about 15 years, and all other roofing materials last longer than that. Invest in the most durable, high-quality materials available because these typically include built-in protections against sun damage.

Finally, just as humans inspect their skin for sun damage, your home’s roof needs at least an annual inspection. At these inspections, a professional roofer mounts your home’s roof and inspects each area, noting damage. These inspections reveal flashing damage, fading, torn shingles, and leaks. The roofer provides a repair estimate at the inspection’s end.

Schedule Your Inspection or Repairs Today

At Scartelli Roofing and Exteriors, we believe your Bethlehem, PA, home should reflect your unique style. You shouldn’t settle for an ordinary living space. Your home should suit your vision, so when you notice UV roof damage, contact us immediately for repairs to prevent further damage. We serve the Lehigh Valley area with home remodeling and roofing services. Whether your home needs roof repairs or roof replacement, you can count on Scartelli Roofing and Exteriors for efficient, professional service.

Dominic Scartelli

Published by
Dominic Scartelli

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