Explore Our Gallery Showcasing Completed Projects, from Commercial Roofing Contractor Services to Windows and More
Welcome to the Scartelli Roofing and Exteriors Gallery, where our work speaks for itself. As you browse through our beautifully executed projects, you’ll glimpse the passion and precision we bring to each property we touch. Here we present a visual testament to our dedication, skill, and artistry, from residential and commercial roofing contractor services to siding and windows.

Has Our Gallery Inspired You? Connect with Our Team to Make Your Roofing or Exterior Projects a Success
Let us help you create a masterpiece of your own. Contact Scartelli Roofing and Exteriors at (484) 635-7052, scartelliroofing@yahoo.com, or via our Facebook page to discuss your project and begin the journey to a successful home improvement or roofing project.